Applying a Business Model to Public Higher Education
Inver Hills Community College hosted a speakers forum titled “Applying a Business Model to Public Higher Education” Friday, February 23, 2018, in Heritage Hall Room 203 on the college’s main campus in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota.
Town Square Television filmed the event. Dave Berger, Inver Hills sociology faculty, served as the forum’s producer. Dave reported that his sociology students, including members of the Inver Hills Sociology Club, were involved in all aspects of the forum’s production.
Dave noted that each of the three panelists received 12 minutes to address the forum’s topic. That portion of the forum was followed by a 30-minute Q & A with questions from the audience collected on note cards and relayed to the panelists by student emcees. The entire forum lasted approximately 90 minutes.
“This was not a debate, but rather a forum to present a variety of different views on the topic of applying a business model to higher education,” Dave said. “We find that providing indirect questions allows for a more respectful and safe environment.”
Speakers forum panelists
David Shultz, Political Science Professor, Hamline University
David Schultz
Larry Pogemiller, Commissioner, Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Larry Pogemiller
James Grabowska, President, Inter Faculty Organization, MN State University Mankato
“Our panel of speakers did a great job laying down the history and context of the business model in public higher education,” he said. “I am so proud of my students. They did a fantastic job producing this show, which will be broadcast on Town Square Television in the very near future.”
Sociology at Inver Hills offers courses that cover a multitude of sociological topics, including religion, gender, genocide, family, class, race, sport and deviant behavior as well as the relationship between mind, self and society.
Sociology is the social science focused on studying the social lives of people, groups and societies.
Sociology examines our behavior as social beings, covering everything from analyzing brief contacts between anonymous individuals to the investigation of social processes on a global scale.
Sociology is the scientific study of social aggregations, the entities human beings traverse throughout their lives.
Sociology is the overarching unification of all studies of humankind, including history, psychology and economics.