Best for Vets Ranks Inver Hills 10th in Midwest
byCollege provides full array of support services for military veterans and servicemembers 2022 Military Times Best for Vets: Colleges has ranked Inver Hills Community…
College provides full array of support services for military veterans and servicemembers 2022 Military Times Best for Vets: Colleges has ranked Inver Hills Community…
Military & veteran services coordinator served campus community for more than four decades Sue Flannigan, 61, the military and veteran services coordinator at Inver…
College provides comprehensive, military and veteran-centric array of support services Military Times Best for Vets has ranked Inver Hills Community College #24 for all…
College’s leading practices, outcomes and effective programs for military spouses recognized Military Friendly® announced that Inver Hills Community College made the official list of…
Minnesota Army National Guard Education Services Office recognizes military and veteran services coordinator’s 38 years of service Sue Flannigan, military and veteran services coordinator…
Colleges 2020 • 2-Year Schools • #1 in Minnesota Military Times has ranked Inver Hills Community College #5 in the nation and #1 in…