Welcome Back to Inver Hills

Fall semester begins Monday, Aug. 22, 2016

The Old Farmer’s Almanac tells us the last official day of summer is Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016, but fall semester at Inver Hills Community College can’t wait for the autumn equinox. The first day of classes is Monday, Aug. 22, 2016, and that means new and returning students are very busy gearing up for school.

If you are a student just arriving or heading back to Inver in the fall, here are some links you might need follow:

KIck-Off 2015WHAT: Kick-Off 2016
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016 • 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Check-in in the Fine Arts Lobby
Inver Hills Community College
2500 East 80th Street
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
Admission: FREE & Everyone welcome!

For more information, visit Kick-Off 2016 on Inver Hills News.

Top 10 Tips for 1st-Year Community College Students

  1. Think deep
    Do your research now regarding your transfer and career aspirations for the future.
  2. Draw up a goal-oriented plan
    Your college education has objectives; make sure your mission stays on schedule by having a solid plan, which leads us to your next tip.
  3. Discover your advisor and/or counselor
    Counselors and advisors are here to help; find yours and build a relationship that can streamline and enhance your college experience.
  4. As Bernie might say: “Check your damn e-mail.”
    Check your college e-mail as often as you can; e-mail is how Inver Hills sends you valuable information.
  5. Be fast and furious with your financial aid
    Well, maybe just fast and conscientious; learn about scholarships, grants, loans and work-study opportunities by visiting with our financial aid professionals.
  6. Put your best grade forward
    Good grades make a difference. Explore your course and program options to find subjects that interest you and make applying yourself all that much easier.
  7. Parking is a breeze
    Inver Hills uses a credit-based fee to minimize your parking costs. You do not need a special permit. You may park in any parking space not marked as reserved.
  8. Schedules in print please
    Get an early start and bring a printed copy of your class schedule to campus that first week of classes so you always know where and when you are.
  9. Meet and greet your instructors
    Our faculty care about their students. Be attentive and engaged in class. Ask questions and you’ll get answers. Visit your instructors during office hours and learn how you can excel in their classrooms.
  10. Get to know your classmates
    Student Life is a great place to meet new people and get involved in student clubs, organizations and government. You can also share insights, know-how and experience by joining a Learning Community.

For more detailed advice, visit SparkNotes First Day of Classes Checklist.

To learn more about Inver Hills, contact:

Information Center
College Center

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