Complete your A.A. degree taking courses that exclusively use zero-cost learning materials
Inver Hills Community College is now offering zero-textbook-cost classes. You can earn your Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree completely textbook-free. That means more money in your pocket and access to learning materials on day one of class.
Any Inver Hills student can take Z-degree classes. No extra enrollment or sign up is required. You can register just like you would for any course. Just search for Z-degree classes in e-Services.
What is a Z-degree?
A Z-degree is a pathway you can follow to a complete an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree without paying for learning materials, including textbooks.¹ Alternative learning materials could include Open Educational Resources (OER), library-curated materials, or other resources.
At Inver Hills, we are dedicated to creating a transformational education for every student founded on belonging, learning, support, clear pathways, and community engagement. The Z-degree program supports this vision for students like you.
Who can take Z-degree classes?
Zero-textbook-cost courses are open to all students regardless of intended major or academic goal. There is no special application to participate in a zero-textbook-cost course. Students may register for as many zero-textbook-cost courses as they want, as long as the course prerequisites are met.
How do I find zero-textbook-cost classes?
Anyone can search for a zero-textbook-cost course via the Course Search page in e-Services, or using the search button above.
To search specifically for zero-textbook-cost courses in e-services:
Click on the “Expand/Collapse for Advanced Search” dropdown menu.
In the bottom left hand corner under textbook cost, select “No cost for textbooks.”
Then click “Search” and all available zero-textbook-cost courses will appear.
Are course supplies free?
There may be a charge for class supplies such as a notebook, clay, art supplies, yoga mat, or tools. Refer to the tuition and fees section for each course to find information on any additional materials costs.
Can I just take some Z-degree courses?
Yes, a student can earn the A.A. degree by taking all Z-degree courses, some Z-degree courses, or no Z-degree courses.
Why is it called “Z-degree?”
The “Z” refers to “zero,” as in zero-textbook-cost courses. A Z-degree is a pathway to complete an Associate of Arts degree taking courses that exclusively use learning materials with zero-cost to students such as Open Educational Resources (OER), open textbooks, and library-curated materials.
¹ NOTE: Some course supplies may not be cost-free. (See FAQ above.)
The following post was originally published on Inver Hills News June 4, 2024.
Inver Hills Receives $100,000 to Create Z-Degree
Grant supports Z-degree course creation, finalization, and implementation
Inver Hills Community College received $100,000 through the Minnesota Legislature and Minnesota State to create, finalize, and implement a new Z-degree by spring of 2026. Z-degrees are complete associate or bachelor’s degree programs that exclusively use course resources that have zero-cost to students such as open educational resources (OER), open textbooks, and library-curated materials.
Elaina Bleifield, PhD
“We are nearly ready to offer a Z-degree,” said Elaina Bleifield, PhD, the college’s vice president of academic affairs. “We only need to expand our offerings in Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal Area 4 as we have courses already developed in other MnTC Goal Areas.
“As a part of our previous work, we have asked folks to commit to offering a course in a no-cost materials format for two years. We offered faculty stipends for this coming summer to expand our no-cost course offerings—and three faculty are developing materials for five courses.”
Elaina explained that additional rounds of stipends will be available to instructors in the coming year to develop other courses.
“Katie Nelson, PhD, anthropology instructor at Inver Hills, will serve as the faculty champion leading this work,” Elaina added. “Katie will help convene a leadership group for expanding our offerings and will share her expertise with faculty developing the Z-degree.”
Faculty perspective: Katie Nelson, PhD
“The costs of textbooks and course materials are among the highest out-of-pocket expenses for college students. Unfortunately, these costs have exploded in recent years, putting increasing pressure on students and their families.
Katie Nelson, PhD
“Z-degree programs have been shown to significantly reduce the financial barriers to higher education, and improve course and degree success and completion rates. Students receive the same high-quality learning experiences while paying little to none for their textbooks and learning materials.
“Inver Hills Community College faculty, administrators, and staff are passionate about the success of our students and creating a learning environment where everyone belongs. Innovative and proven initiatives such as Z-degrees are examples of our dedication to these goals.
“We have been working for more than four years to build our Z-degree program, and we look forward to officially launching the program in the near future.”
Creating, finalizing, and implementing a new Z-degree involves activities that may include:
Course development for Z-degree with at least two distinct courses in each transfer curriculum goal area and at least enough credits in each transfer curriculum goal area to complete the transfer curriculum package
Acquisition of library-curated resources that would be available at no cost to students
Implementation award requirements include:
Ability to offer a Z-degree by spring 2026
Enabling of the Course Marking feature in ISRS which allows for the identification of no-cost courses
Participate in Minnesota State Z-degree community of practice
Meet each semester with associate vice chancellor for educational development and technology and system director for student success technologies to discuss project status
Note: Instructors cannot require students to purchase any course resources in a Z-degree program. Optional or supplemental resources that are a cost to students may be recommended.